


Understanding Diabetes and Presenting Evidence for Work Restrictions to Insurance Companies

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can lead to various complications that impact an individual’s ability to perform full-time work. When seeking disability insurance coverage related to diabetes, providing compelling evidence is crucial

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. There are two main types: type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune condition, and type 2 diabetes, which is largely influenced by lifestyle factors. If not properly managed, diabetes can lead to long-term complications that affect multiple organ systems in the body. Some common complications include:

  1. Cardiovascular Complications: Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. These conditions can lead to restrictions and limitations due to reduced cardiovascular fitness, fatigue, and impaired circulation, making physically demanding work challenging.
  2. Neuropathy: Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that primarily affects the extremities, such as the feet and hands. It can cause tingling, numbness, and pain, limiting mobility, coordination, and manual dexterity. These limitations can affect tasks that require fine motor skills or prolonged standing or walking.
  3. Retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision problems, including blurred vision, difficulty seeing at night, and potential loss of vision. Visual impairments can hinder tasks that require precise visual acuity or reading small print.
  4. Nephropathy: Diabetic nephropathy refers to kidney damage caused by diabetes. It can result in decreased kidney function and the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation. Fatigue, frequent medical appointments, and fluid and dietary restrictions associated with nephropathy can impact work capacity.
  5. Peripheral Artery Disease: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition characterized by reduced blood flow to the extremities, primarily the legs. It can cause leg pain, cramping, and difficulty walking or standing for extended periods. These limitations can affect job roles that require physical mobility or prolonged standing.

Providing Evidence for Work Restrictions:

  1. Medical Documentation: Gather comprehensive medical records, including a formal diagnosis of diabetes, treatment plans, and records of medications prescribed. These documents provide evidence of your condition and ongoing management.
  2. Blood Sugar Monitoring: Maintain a record of blood sugar levels over an extended period. This log can demonstrate fluctuations in glucose control, the frequency of hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic episodes, and the impact on your ability to function effectively in the workplace.
  3. Specialist Reports: Include reports from healthcare professionals specializing in diabetes management, such as endocrinologists or diabetes educators. These reports can provide detailed insights into your condition, its impact on your daily life, and their professional recommendations for work restrictions.
  4. Functional Assessment: Undergo a functional assessment by an occupational therapist or other healthcare professional. This assessment evaluates your abilities and limitations related to work tasks, taking into account the impact of diabetes and its complications. The resulting report can provide objective evidence of functional impairments and their impact on work performance.
  5. Medication and Treatment Records: Keep records of your medication regimen, including insulin injections, oral medications, or other prescribed treatments. These records demonstrate the need for ongoing medication management and potential side effects that may impact work capacity.
  6. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes: Document any dietary modifications or lifestyle changes you have made to manage your diabetes. This information can highlight the efforts you have made to control your condition and the impact these changes have on your daily life and work capacity.
  7. Personal Statement and Impact Statement: Prepare a detailed personal statement describing your experience with diabetes, its complications, and how they restrict your ability to perform work-related tasks. Include an impact statement outlining the limitations, restrictions, and challenges you encounter in the workplace due to your condition.
  8. Legal Assistance: Consider consulting with an attorney specializing in disability insurance claims. They can provide guidance on presenting evidence effectively, protect your rights throughout the claims process, and advocate for your case.

Legal Help with Navigating Diabetes Disability Claims

Unlike many health conditions, diabetes is usually controllable with medication and lifestyle adjustments. For that reason, insurers and courts are often more skeptical of insurance claims based solely on diabetes. Diabetes claims can often be one of multiple health issues you are experiencing at the same time. When that is the case, courts require insurers to look at the totality of your capability for work given all of your health issues. Insurers are not supposed to consider each health issue independent of the others and determine if any one issue is itself disabling.

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We are one of the rare firms that can provide first-hand knowledge of how your insurer thinks and reacts, and has consistently prevailed in some of the most complex and high value insurance disputes seen in ERISA and non-ERISA litigation.


Our attorneys trained at some of the most aggressive large law firms in the world. Though we believe there are usually better ways to litigate and resolve disputes, our opposition does not always agree. When necessary, we are masters of unrelenting, tenacious litigation. When you hire us, you turn the insurer’s previous weapon against it.


We do this work because we want to be here, for you. We understand what you have been through, and that everyone has times where they need support. One of the strongest steps for yourself and your family is to ask us for help. Together, we’ve got this.

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