I pass this house every time I go out in my neighborhood to exercise. Out of the blue, today their previously unremarkable grass yard was transformed into this gorgeous wildflower meadow. I was jealous of how wonderful it was. Then I thought about how that meadow came about. It didn’t appear overnight. Last fall or winter that family decided to put in extra effort. They planned, they uprooted their sod, they shopped for wildflower seeds. They planted and fertilized. What seemed to just “happen” was, in fact, the result of careful planning and preparation.
The same thing is true with successful insurance appeals, and litigations. And this is why it is so important to engage help at the appeal stage of a claim. Your appeal is your planning and planting stage. All the information your attorney gathers and submits for your appeal is what ultimately becomes your successful result. This is even more true if you find yourself having to file litigation. The information that your attorney provided on appeal is what a judge will rely on when evaluating your claims. When the judge rules in your favor and awards you the insurance benefits that had been denied, to an outsider it can look like the ruling just happened because you deserved it. But you and your counsel are all too aware of the months of work that went into preparing the ground for that favorable ruling.
So take the time, and invest the resources, to properly prepare. Then you can literally reap the benefits of your gorgeous results.
Helping clients in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Arizona.